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Wednesday, January 3, 2007
manga: Kare First Love by Kaho Miyasaka
Title: Kare First Love (He's my First Love) Author&Artist: Kaho Miyasaka genre: Shoujo, romance, smut, comedy, drama, slice of life, highschool setting
volumes, chapters: 01-10, 001-059 (complete)
status (in my computer): complete
1 comment:
I really love this manga cause it gives an almost realistic reflection of what your first love entails: The insecurities, misunderstandings, physical desire vs. respect...i'm not finished yet but I definitely find it worthy to own the set.
1 comment:
I really love this manga cause it gives an almost realistic reflection of what your first love entails: The insecurities, misunderstandings, physical desire vs. respect...i'm not finished yet but I definitely find it worthy to own the set.
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